Musée du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Museum housing an exhibit on the history of the region.
La Pulperie This old pulp mill is an architectural treasure.
Maison-Musée du peintre Arthur Villeneuve The highly original frescoes covering the walls of this painter's house illustrate local history.
Cruises Explore the Fjord du Saguenay.
Réserve faunique des Laurentides
Nature observation and outdoor activities in a wildlife reserve. Mercier
visitor reception center: 50 km (30 mi) from Québec City.
Parc de conservation de la Jacques-Cartier
Park with a spectacular landscape of deep valleys and winding rivers, in a boreal forest. Mountain bike and canoe rentals. Hiking trails and interpretation. Visitor reception center for the valley sector: 40 km (25 mi) from Québec City.
Rivière Jacques-Cartier Whitewater rafting.
Wendake (Village-des-Hurons)
Huron Indian Reserve Historic chapel and native crafts.
Jardin zoologique du Québec Zoo with 600 specimens of 200 species of wildlife from around the world.