Zoo sauvage Take a train ride in screened-in cars through this zoo to observe Canadian wildlife in its natural habitat.
Montagnais Indian Reserve Canada's only Montagnais museum features art exhibits, costumes and archaeological finds.
Sailboat excursions
On Lac Saint-Jean.
Traversée internationale du Lac Saint-Jean Only the best long-distance swimmers in the world can compete in this 40 km (25 mi) race from Péribonka to Roberval. Week-long festivities (July).
Village historique Once a ghost town, this turn-of-the-century company town has now
been restored. Guides. Lookout.
Shipshaw power station Panoramic view from the dam. Tour of hydroelectric generating facilities.
Industrial tour Jonquière complex of the Alcan alumimun smelter.
Rivière aux Sables Canoe rentals.
Lac Kénogami Beach. Water sports.
Musée du Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean Museum housing an exhibit on the history of the region.
La Pulperie This old pulp mill is an architectural treasure.
Maison-musée du peintre Arthur Villeneuve The highly original frescoes covering the walls of this painter's house
illustrate local history.